Opportunities at The Rockfield Centre
Find out about our latest volunteer opportunities, job vacancies, becoming a member or a Board Trustee and how to bring your work to us.
Freelance Opportunities
Artist, Performer, Tutor or Touring Company?
We are always on the lookout for new artists, tutors, performers and companies to work with.
If you have a course or workshop you’d like to lead or an exhibition or performance you’d like to bring to Oban please send us your proposals.
Exhibitons Proposal Form
Courses & Workshops Proposal Form
Behind our success is our fantastic volunteer team who help and support our small staff team in a variety of roles.
We are always on the lookout for new volunteers to lend their time and skills to support the centre and our work.
We are currently looking for volunteers to support us in the following areas:
Front of House | Workshops & Events | Admin & Finance | Fundraising | Graphic Design | Charity Shop | Gardening
If you would like to Volunteer at The Rockfield Centre or find out more about our volunteering opportunities email the team on general@therockfieldcentre.org.uk .
Become a Member
Steer our success!
The Rockfield Centre is owned and run by Oban Communities Trust, a Community Benefit Society with charitable status.
The board of maximum 8 trustees is elected from the Trust’s membership at the annual AGM to oversee the running, development and success of the organisation.
Anyone in the community can apply to become a member. To sign up today, simply complete the form HERE
Or to find out more about becoming a member of Oban Communities Trust email: membership@therockfieldcentre.org.uk
The Rockfield Centre is at a turning point in its journey, with clear objectives to secure its long-term financial viability while providing a diverse resource and asset for the whole community.
We welcome applications from those willing to become new Trustees and who have the energy, drive, commitment and passion to continue its development journey.
We welcome applications from members of Oban Community Trust and individuals from outwith the area, who have a connection with or close interest in the vision for The Rockfield Centre, Oban.
We welcome individuals irrespective of ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, age, religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation.
To apply to become a Trustee of Oban Communities Trust / The Rockfield Centre, please email your CV or short video and application form, demonstrating your suitability for the role, to trustees@therockfieldcentre.org.uk or complete an application form (found on the main page using the link below) and email to the same address trustees@therockfieldcentre.org.uk.
Interviews/discussions may be held in person after you have confirmed your interest.
All applications will be reviewed in the strictest confidence and data will be held in accordance with GDPR policies and procedures.
Prospective Trustees will be asked to stand for election by the members at the AGM on Wednesday 26 June at 7 pm at the Rockfield Centre.