“Shinty Craic in the Cafe”

Sponsored by Macaulay Camanachd Association

Join our Heritage Hunters with a new informal monthly session which will be held in the Rowan Cafe at the Centre.

This monthly “get together” provides a very informal social setting for shinty enthusiasts to meet up and celebrate the game of shinty.

What to expect

A warm welcome and cuppa with our heritage volunteers - Archie MacDougall, Alfie MacKenzie and Alan Hill.

Access to memories, pictures and artefacts gathered from previous exhibitions.

When - Monthly over winter months

Thursday 16th January- 2pm - 3.30pm

Thursday 20th February - 2pm - 3.30pm

Thursday 20th March - 2pm - 3.30pm -


Rowan Cafe - The Rockfield Centre

Further detail - contact obanheritage@therockfieldcentre.org.uk

Photographs courtesy of various shinty families and our volunteers working partnership with the Oban Times.

Sponsored by

Oban Heritage Volunteers with support from

the Macaulay Camanachd Association and Argyll Shinty families.